In November 2022, the UN Human Rights Committee published its Concluding Observations on the level of Implementation of the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by the aggressor state. In this document, CCPR/C/RUS/CO/8, a separate section, paragraphs 38 and 39, is devoted to Russia’s violation of human rights in the occupied Crimea.

In this part of Observations UN Committee remains gravely concerned about the reported violations of the Covenant in the AR of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, in particular extrajudicial killings, abductions, enforced disappearances, discrimination, harassment, intimidation, violence, including sexual violence, arbitrary detentions, torture and ill-treatment, and lack of “investigation” of these violations. Also UN Committee stressed gravely concern about forced “mobilization and conscription” of thousands of Crimean inhabitants, many of whom are indigenous people representatives and demands Russia as occupied state to stop the above-pointed violations.

Such Concluding Observations are obligatory for agressor state, and their next ignorance will be the additional Russia’s violation of international law, as it happened with previous Concluding Observations CCPR/C/RUS/CO/7 adopted by Committee in 2015, where the human rigths violation by invaders in the Crimea were established on obligatory and global level.

Our Assosiation sent more than 70 submissions in 2020-2022 to the UN Human Rights structures in Geneva, mush of them are published on relevant sources and reflected in relevant reports. In particular, we raised in them in 2022 the issue of criminal “conscription and mobilization” of Crimean residents and ARC will continue such co-operation with UN Human Rights Committee.

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