On March 18, 2021, Russian propaganda, including the “official Internet resources” of the Crimean“ Council of Ministers”, reported on the “successful launch” of the Beshterek-Zuya water supply system,which was to provide 20 thousands cubic meters of artesian water to Simferopol daily. At the sametime, this “launch” turned out to be a “trial one” and the full operation of this water supply systemwas announced by the “Council of Ministers” to mid-April 2021.

As experts have already reported, the declared volume of water extraction by the relevant pumpingstation from the groundwater of the Zuya River basin is considered as utopian. But the full pumping of the relevant groundwater by this pumping station under any circumstances will cause significantnegative consequences for the inhabitants of the Zuya Valley itself, as it will deprive them of access towater in the proper amount and will destroy the perennials and unique riparian ecosystem.

At the same time, as it follows from the images of pumping station’s equipment distributed by the“Crimean authorities” [1], [2], their main component is “Siemens” brand pumps. Under thesecircumstances, “ARC” sent an official letter to “Siemens” headquarters in Munich, to the Austriancompany “Siemens”, to its subsidiary in Kyiv and to the “Siemens” branch in Moscow.
The Association’s letter pointed to the usage of “Siemens” equipment, supplied and serviced byEuropean structures, by the Russian occupation administration in Crimea, as not only the brutalviolation of European Union’s sanctions but also as the tool of ecocide and of the war crimes on thepeninsula. After all, the main purpose of the Beshterek-Zuya water supply system is to provideRussian military bases in the Crimea as the instrument of Russia’s further aggression and at the sametime to facilitate the criminal resettlement of Russian colonizers to Simferopol, for which appropriate conditions are being created.

  1. https://rk.gov.ru/photo-report/show/457
  2. https://www.facebook.com/SovetMinistrov/photos/a.301565699991963/1868345769980607/

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