In June, 2023 our Association informed IMO, ILO, FAO, Port State Control Memorandums, their member states and other competent structures, like basin an river commissions, on the development of Russian naval aggression in Black Sea and Sea of Azov. In ARC’s submission, published on Paris Memorandum web-resources of Understanding on Port State Control issues of Russia’s provocation against maritime safety, ecology, fisheries and grain agreement were reflected.
Special attention was paid to Russia’s illegal activities on attempted annexation of Sea of Azov, including issues of termination bilateral treaties and ongoing judicial proceedings. Also Russian invaders’ scams with illegal Kerch ferry lines were described including illegal Crimean “enterprises” activities.
ARC’s submission stresses that Russia’s membership in FAO, IMO and ILO, also as any participation Russian citizens acting as public servants of those organizations must be suspended, regarding current internationally-recognized statute of Russia as terrorist state and pirate state. Also all Russia’s activities in any body of those organizations, in any their program or project must be stopped.
Special FAO, IMO and ILO decisions regarding the above-pointed Russia’s illegal activities must be adopted, with condemnation and non-recognition of illegal Russia’s maritime blockade of Ukraine and illegal transfer of Ukrainian products by Russia to third countries by maritime transport must be done. Also IMO, acting in compliance with Resolution C/ES.35 must monitor the realization Black Sea Grain Initiative’s participants their obligations, including maritime security and safety issues.
Also IMO should recommend to all regional Memorandums of Understanding on Port State Control to include vessels flying Russian flag to own black lists; IMO member states has competence to initiate this process on regional level immediately, ARC’s submission stressed.