In occupied Sevastopol, the show continues with the “primaries” from “United Russia” for the criminal “local elections”. And if Crimean collaborators turned such an epic into a “collection of donations in favor of Konstantinov,” then the main Sevastopol mafiosi, such as the Chalykh clan or Pavel Lebedev, are still trying to play an “auction” with Razvozhaev for “shares of shares” in the criminal “legislative assembly.”
Against this background, the “red quarter” demanded by the Kremlin, that is, a 25% share of future “deputies” in the form of criminal participants in Russian aggression, is being actively discussed; naturally, a significant part here will be the same “officials” who recently donned camouflage on the “Yalta front.” Against this background, it is not surprising that among the “nominated candidates for deputies”, apart from “long-familiar faces” and obvious outcasts included solely “to create the appearance of an alternative,” there is no one to be seen.
In order to “explain” to the townspeople why, in fact, “in the arena everything is the same” in the conditions of “no alternative”, the occupiers’ propaganda decided to declare that supposedly the current “restrictions in the field of state secrets and travel abroad” demotivate “candidates”. However, in the case of occupied territories and without such restrictions, there are more than enough demotivating prospects.
In this vein, not only the discussions about the “proximity of the Iron Curtain” sound tragicomic, but also the statement of the criminal “head of the Legislative assembly’s committee on economics” Evgeniy Dubovik that “the new duty will not frighten anyone” since the aggressor “generally has no ability to frighten anyone”.

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