According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, on June 14, a delegation of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic headed by Deputy Chairman of the Senate Tomáš Czernin and Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Protection Pavel Fischer visited Ukraine.
The delegation held talks with Deputy Minister Yevgen Perebiynis, among other things, discussing the holding of the Second Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimean Platform in Prague in October this year.

Also, these parliamentarians, together with their colleagues Miroslav Balatka, Václav Láska and Jan Sobotka, met with Peopl’s Deputy of Ukraine Mustafa Dzhemilev andwith members of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, in its Kyiv office.

Representatives of the Mejlis thanked the Czech People for supporting Ukraine in the fight against global terrorists, for active participation in the Crimean Platform.

Also, the parliamentary delegation was informed about the trends in human rights violations in the occupied Crimea and about Russian war crimes in the new occupied territories.

In response, the deputies pointed out that the Czech Republic had adopted a law analogous to the Magnitsky Act, therefore, in the near future, the Mejlis and the Crimean Tatar Resource Center would send to Prague lists of persons violating human rights in the occupied Crimea, with documents confirming their crimes.

Also, the parliamentary delegation was given a package of documents with an appeal to the Senate of the Czech Republic on recognizing the deportation of the Crimean Tatar people as an act of genocide, and the occupation of Crimea since 2014 as its continuation.

It should be reminded that ARC experts, including Professor Boris Babin, took an active part in the preparation of these documents. The deputies were asked to consider the possibility of allocating scholarships for Ukrainian youth from the occupied Crimea to study at universities in the Czech Republic.

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