As Anatoly Tsurkin, a transport swindler and a criminal “candidate for deputy” in the occupied Melitopol, who is close to the criminal “head of Crimea” Aksyonov, hysterically stated on May 26, “it suddenly turned out” that “telegram channels are filled with announcements of illegal passenger traffic from Kherson, Zaporizhzhia regions to Europe” .
As Tsurkin, who recently boasted of such “fantastic achievements” as a bus from Dzhankoy to Henichesk, lamented, people are being transported from the occupied Ukrainian mainland to the European Union through Crimea and Russia “without any permits, insurance, compliance with the regime of work and rest” and that “services start a little or not every day” “under the guise of tourist routes”, and “the Crimean carriers participate in these transportations”.
Such “sudden attention” to the problem of the criminal “candidate from United Russia” is connected not only with the natural criminal desire to “sit down” on the “cash flow” described by Tsurkin, usual for this kind of schemers, but also with the extremely unpleasant situation for the aggressor faced by the organizers of the criminal “elections”, since the population has already massively “voted” regarding the occupiers and by “with their feet”, leaving the occupied territory.
In this situation, when the criminal “Melitopol team” on the ground cannot simply make a picture of fake “members of the election commission”, the collaborators are left to complain about “illegal transportation to the European Union”, and also, as they were recently forced by the Siberian PR man, the criminal “deputy governor” Sergey Tolmachev go to various illegal “election events” on the same day, while … changing clothes in order to create the appearance of “broad participation of the population”.