As we wrote earlier, Moscow curators puzzled Crimean collaborators from the “leadership of the State Council” about “volunteering of deputies to help the front”, with corresponding “public reports”, which predictably acquired a tragicomic character.
Some days ago, the criminal “chairman of the committee on transport, housing and public utilities and road management” Oksana Satsik reported “on the transfer of special material for weaving nets to volunteers”, that is, translating into human language, a set of rags.
With the same generous gift in the form of rags, “deputy of the State Council” Sergei Ilchenko “solved the task set by the leadership”. But the “chairman of the health committee” Anna Rubel and “deputy” Nikita Sandalov publicly announced that they chipped in for the “medical team serving the military”… for saline solution.
However, sarcasm is not so appropriate here because, as we wrote earlier, for ordinary mortals to find such a “rare and breakthrough drug” as saline solution in Crimean pharmacies turns out to be quite a task, apparently, the “deputies” for this “volunteering” managed to “solve it heroic”.
Well, “state council deputy” Alexander Goncharov, who is also the “overseer” of the Sharkhinsky quarry, decided to hide his gifts behind a “military secret” by declaring that “the commanders of the military unit on Mount Kastel” were given mysterious “necessary materials for the implementation of assigned tasks”, under which, in fact, were hidden banal office supplies.
However, not only “deputies” are becoming “stars” of the aggressor’s Crimean propaganda for “helping the front”.
In recent weeks, such “assistants” as “teacher of the young technicians’ station” Riza Minaev and accomplice of the infamous structure “Good of world – volunteers of Crimea” Yulia Koba have appeared in the “Yevpatoria media”; the aggressor has not yet provided them with “deputy seats”, but apparently promised some “personnel preferences”.

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