The aggressor-controlled “Sevastopol media” reported on another provocation, organized by the Russian special services, in the form of a “lecture” by Ljubisa Folic, allegedly a professor of the University of Pristina from Serbia, for “students of the Sevastopol state university”.
In addition to the “lecture”, the occupiers’ propaganda broadcasts a set of cliches, performed by Folic, regarding the alleged “improvement of the situation with the protection of monuments” and the “reverence of restorers” from the occupiers.
It was also stated that “a specialist in the architecture of Orthodox churches” Folic received “an offer to give lectures” at the fake Sevastopol University “on a permanent basis”, with a probable visit to Sevastopol.
Folic is a veteran of the “Russian world” propaganda, and Russian special services brought him to Crimea back in 2004, through the “Simferopol Russian cultural center.”
At that time, he spoke about “the ongoing genocide of Serbs” and called on “residents of Crimea not to repeat the mistakes made in Kosovo,” which sounds extremely tragicomic in the current circumstances.
However, we are not so much interested in Folic’s biography, where in different sources the number of objects allegedly built or restored by him differs several times, but in his current adventures.
In fact, Folic has long “thrown roots” in St. Petersburg, where he was hired at the local Polytechnic University to broadcast about the “history of art,” and he periodically gives “lectures on Serbian-Russian friendship” throughout the territory controlled by the aggressor, from Tyumen to Dagestan, for which he receives all sorts of “prizes” from the aggressor.
Now the occupiers promise not to skimp on Folich’s subversive activities in Sevastopol, where they promise “federal grant support” under the “new direction – construction and restoration of churches” in the fake “Sevastopol development institute”. Well, in the meantime, the “design and restoration organization” “Trojanka” from the “individual entrepreneur” Ilya Chudayev is allegedly paying for Folich’s “Sevastopol banquet”.
Through the latter’s companies, at least 14 million from the infamous Sevastopol “Parks and Squares”, 20 million from the “Department of Construction and Improvement” of Yalta and even 6 million from the Office of the Head of Ingushetia were recently laundered; and therefore it was not difficult for the aggressor’s punishers to force “Trojanka” to “assist the professor”.

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