The aggressor’s propaganda of the decided to tell about another “scientific breakthrough” in the form of a fake “international conference” “Study of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems: history and modernity” from the illegal “Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas” in occupied Sevastopol.
Naturally, the emphasis of this event, held on the occasion of the decade of the occupation of Crimea, was on the so-called foreign participants from their “Uganda, Zimbabwe, Abkhazia” and so on, recruited mainly from the corresponding students of the aggressor’s universities.
However, these “luminaries of marine science” participated in the event only “in absentia”, and the occupiers showed the public, in addition to gauleiter Razvozhaev, local collaborators Dmitry Nekhaychuk and Roman Gorbunov, who have long been trying to “leave science” for “regional politics”, only “delegations from Guinea and Syria”.
The former were represented by a “Soviet-trained scientist” from the Center for Marine and Coastal Research of Guinea (CEREMAC-G), Alpha Issaga Palle Diallo, and the latter by an activist from the University of Aleppo and Al-Baath University, Abdul Basset Khatib.
And here, not the expected statements about “further scientific research by Sevastopol residents” are noteworthy, but the imitation by these activists of “signing a decision” on the creation of the “International Scientific Council on Environmental Problems of Post-Conflict and Conflict Territories”.
It is obvious that this structure, controlled by Russian special services, will not be concerned with the problems of the Middle East and Africa; it is obvious that the “council” has as its key goal the dissemination of disinformation about the environmental consequences of Russian aggression in Ukraine and on the counteraction of international research and investigations in this area.

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