Earlier, we have repeatedly written about the scams of Crimean collaborators to launder money on fictitious “health improvement for the youth.” In July, we stated that, in addition to the propaganda picture, the mass import of “schoolchildren to Crimean camps” entails quite tangible, multi-million personal profit for the key Crimean bigwigs, and therefore they would not cancel this “life-giving source of income” even under bombing.
And now the illegal “Deputy minister of education, science and youth” Oksana Krasnikova stated in September that “174 thousand schoolchildren” allegedly passed through the “health camps” of Crimea over the summer.
Let us recall that back in July, the occupiers promised to “health improve” 190 thousand Crimean schoolchildren, and the matter is not “a small discrepancy,” but in Krasnikova’s current words about “full implementation of plans.”
It’s just that both “plans” and “dead souls” in the “Crimean camps” are drawn up and exchanged by collaborators not for some schoolchildren, but for the “focus” of disappearing “republican budget funds”, for a specific amount.
As we wrote in July, the bulk of those “who recovered” were passed through, mainly only “on paper”, through so-called “368 day camps”.
That is, they were noted as having “passed the camp” not by the sea, but simply at the location of their city or rural school; here, tens of thousands of “vacationers” and tens of millions for their “recreation” were easiest to draw in Krasnikova’s “department”.
At the same time, collaborators are forced to master millions on the “vacation of Russian schoolchildren” with much less imagination than with the Crimean ones: the sending side, as well as the “external” punishers from the “anti-corruption”, at least wanted their share here.
That is why Krasnikova has now announced “only” 10 thousand Russian children who “vacated in Crimea at the expense of the federal budget”, and another “thousand from Belgorod”; here the number of “dead souls” is more modest and amounts to about a third.
Let us recall, that in July the collaborators promised to bring to Crimea “5.5 thousand children” only from the Orenburg Region and another “16 thousand from Belgorod”, and here it was clearly more difficult for the Crimean “officials” to “retroactively” correct the “fully executed plan”.