The aggressor-controlled “Crimean media” distributed on September 2 a propaganda “interview” of a certain “commander of the “Crimea” detachment of the Volunteer Corps” of the aggressor of quite interesting content.
Formally, this imperishable work was dedicated to the “heroic fate” of the aforementioned “Vladimir with the call sign Prapor”, but in addition to a set of cliches, it contains a rather characteristic subtext.
Among other things, it is admitted that the aforementioned “Crimea” was composed “mainly of volunteers from Donetsk who came with Prapor”, replacing the “Cossacks” who had allegedly “formed” it earlier and that it was originally “called “Tavrida”.
Let us recall, that the aforementioned “Tavrida” was inflated in 2022 by those loyal to the Crimean Gauleiter Sergei Aksyonov as his “brainchild”, although even then we noted that among its “Cossacks” the Crimeans were always a minority, and that the “battalion” was heavily diluted with Russians, in particular from the “Terek Cossacks Army”.
Now readers are actually informed that “at the end of the six-month contract, the Cossacks left”, that is, it is admitted that they were temporary mercenaries, and at the same time it is added that “Prapor” allegedly met with Aksyonov, “they talked about the detachment”, and the Gauleiter allegedly offered all kinds of assistance, after which further events are pointedly kept silent.
But at the same time it is stated that only “the inclusion of the detachment in the Volunteer Corps of the Ministry of Defense of Russia improved the provision, including equipment.” It is worth adding that the aggressor’s “Volunteer Corps” was called upon to “finally solve the problem of the “Wagnerites””, and that, among other things, no one in the Kremlin has forgotten Aksyonov’s flirtation with the now deceased “Putin’s cooks”.
Thus, it is obvious that this “interview” has appeared now, on the eve of the “autumn reboot of the Crimean vertical of power”, not at all by chance.
As for the “Crimean Cossacks” themselves, we recall that these few figures of Aksyonov’s “assistant”, Anton Sirotkin, while near Melitopol, were mainly engaged in “fighting the devil”, namely, terrorizing the local population who were not parishioners of the Moscow Patriarchate. Since 2023, these “Cossacks” have only appeared in statements about the preparation of some fake “territorial defense” as an “alternative to the front”, as well as within the framework of the “cultural and leisure institutions” of the peninsula controlled by the aggressor, where “10 Cossack groups with a total of 190 people operate”.
Well, the “political officer” of “Tavrida” Ruslan Karpyuk has recently been noticed only in the “rat wars” of the Sevastopol groups of “volunteers”. However, the most striking “Cossack performance” over the past two years was the rape of a 94-year-old woman near Alushta by Sirotkin’s protégé.
It is unlikely that with such “support” Aksyonov will have “power arguments” for bargaining about a “bright tomorrow” in the near future.

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