On August 30, certain aggressor-controlled “media” distributed “incriminating criticism” from the aggressor’s State Duma deputy from “United Russia” Sergey Lisovsky, addressed to the “Crimean authorities”.
This figure, apparently, arrived in occupied Simferopol by train, after which he wrote the following on social networks: “one gets the impression that the current leadership of Crimea is considering these territories only for commercial development and maximum profit extraction, without thinking about the main thing.”
“Chaotic, ill-conceived development, disregard for sanitary and environmental standards. The most striking example is the Simferopol train station,” Lisovsky added, also noting that “the toilets look the same as they did 50 years ago,” and that “he will not post a photo of the toilet.” Such reverent attention to the sanitation of the Simferopol railway station, with an immediate furious transition to local bigwigs, should be assessed in the light of the figure of the sudden whistleblower of the “Crimean authorities”.
Former Komsomol worker Sergey Lisovsky is literally a “rarity from the last century” in modern Russian politics, he started as a media man before the collapse of the USSR, and then earned millions in the promotion of show business.
Lisovsky was one of the defendants in the criminal case of the murder of Vladislav Listyev, the organizer of the nationwide election campaign “Vote or Lose” for Boris Yeltsin in 1996, among other things, having distinguished himself as the executor of the famous case with the “Xerox box”, and allegedly it was him that Boris Berezovsky wanted to eliminate.
“Under Putin”, a person with such a turbulent biography clearly “capitalized on his status”, and therefore Lisovsky was a member of the Federation Council from the Kurgan Region for almost twenty years, while having extensive business interests in the poultry industry.
Naturally, Lisovsky has not “deviated from the Kremlin’s course” for a couple of decades, and he will not just publicly admire the unsanitary conditions of the Simferopol train station bathroom.
The arrival of this “dinosaur of Kremlin voting” in occupied Crimea on the eve of the “local elections” variety show described by us also cannot be called accidental, to put it mildly, and it clearly does not boil down to communication “on production issues” with the local “poultry farmer” Oleg Tsaryov.
As we have already written, the squabble “until the last moment” between groups of Crimean collaborators for the coveted “places on the United Russia lists” had not ended by the end of August, which is why even the start of the “voting” was delayed until the last moment. These “rat races” created what the Kremlin hates most of all: a certain uncertainty and unpredictability.
And therefore, it is extremely likely that after the “blissful picture” of the “complete victory of United Russia” at the “congress of winners” there will be empty seats. For this, some “public explanation” will be necessary, and here Lisovsky’s “unique experience” may be more appropriate than ever.
How all this is connected with the current special “Kremlin canvas”, regarding which we publicly “reminded” the aggressor’s punishers of interesting historical parallels, will be shown by the remaining months of 2024.