As “Krym.Realii” (“Crimea.Realities”) wrote on August 25, 2024, the occupation “authorities” laundered 322.2 million rubles on the peninsula for “repairs of the building and improvement of the adjacent territory” for the building on Kirov Street 47/2 in Simferopol, and then “transferred” the building to the occupiers’ “investigative committee”. It was indicated that “at the same time, the previous location in the huge building on Kyivska Street, 76 also remained under the jurisdiction of the investigative committee.”
However, it is extremely difficult to call this message from “Krym.Realii” as “news”, since gauleiter Sergei Aksyonov announced the transfer of the building on Kirov, 47/2 to the “investigative committee” in December 2021, and rumors about this have been circulating in Simferopol since the summer of 2021.
Well, the mentioned 322,166 thousand rubles were written off by Aksyonov’s henchmen, represented by “minister” Larisa Kulinich, “for repairs” from the infamous “GIP Monolith” back in the spring-summer of the same 2021. Quite a long time ago, almost the entire period of a large-scale war, the “investigative committee” indicates this address as its “official”.
The capital mansion handed over to the occupiers’ punishers had been the main office of the Ukrainian State Institute of Mineral Resources since 1956. In 1999-2000, Crimean officials like Serhiy Kunitsyn and Leonid Hrach lobbied for the transfer of the building to the arbitration court or to “republican property”, but then these scams were stopped by Prime Minister Viktor Yushchenko.
However, Viktor Yanukovych’s rise to power meant an artificially created decline of a successful scientific institution, which had its funding cut off since 2010 and was liquidated at the end of 2012, already as a branch of the Ukrainian State Geological Prospecting Institute.
At the beginning of the occupation, three companies were registered at the specified address, the private “Institute of Mineral Resources of the Countries of Africa, Asia and America”, “Crocus” and “Scientific and Production Association “Nadra”. At the same time, the founder of the “Institute” Vladimir Shirkunov “re-registered” his office under the occupiers to another Simferopol address.
Having seized the institute, in June 2014 the Crimean “authorities” transferred its building, as well as the office of the Mission of the President of Ukraine in the AR of Crimea, in Sovnarkomovsky Lane 3-A, for “free use” for “accommodating the apparatus of the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Crimean federal district”. However, further, there is no distincts of “district” or “representative” in it, and the building of the Mission has been criminally appropriated by the “Mission of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation in the city of Simferopol”.
But regarding the former institute, the collaborators really tried to sell its building and seven utility rooms at an “auction” at the end of 2019 for 232.3 million rubles “in one lot”, but no buyers were found, after which the 2021 scam with “repairs” described above began.
In fact, Bastrykin’s punishers have long “settled” in a new haven located near the “main residences” of the “MVD” and “FSB” punishers; at the same time, as we are informed from Simferopol, this “hub” houses the “management” of the committee and all sorts of “personnel and management” departments, as well as special “comfort” zones for “esteemed guests”.

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