On August 21, Crimean Gauleiter Sergei Aksyonov stated, “following a meeting” with the head of the Russia’s Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport Andrei Tarasenko, that “as of today… all cargo transportation via the Kerch ferry crossing is carried out at the expense of the state”
Let us recall, that earlier we exposed the activities of the fake structure of the occupiers “NIKIMS”, “registered” in Simferopol, which allegedly “ensures the operation of six ferries” on the criminal Kerch ferry crossing, but in fact only plays the role of a “financial gasket” in the interests of the same Aksyonov and his Kremlin curators.
Such a “circulation of federal funds” on the ferry, from Moscow through Aksyonov to the Kremlin, is, of course, interesting, but even more noteworthy was the statement that “the Kerch seaport Kamysh-Burun will be transferred to federal ownership.” This illegal transfer was explained by the fact that it was allegedly necessary to “deepen the channel, which had silted up over the years, making it difficult for ships manufactured at the Butoma plant to leave the port waters.” In fact, it is extremely likely that this port will become another base for the aggressor’s ships.
Against this background, we will also note the characteristic “self-incriminations” of the same Aksyonov that he allegedly “selected the nomenclature manually” for the same Butoma plant and the “More” plant, as well as about “quotas for training in specialized institutions for 100 Crimeans” “from Tarasenko.”
The first allows us to predict “production successes” with a plan from such an “outstanding shipbuilder” as Aksyonov, and to emphasize that the plants, managed “manually” in the style of the Soviet “third five-year plan,” cannot boast of any “investment attractiveness” or “commercial success.” Secondly, given the presence of a bunch of “maritime universities and institutes” in Crimea and Sevastopol, it shows that their fake diplomas are of no use to anyone, even collaborators.

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