Some days ago, the “RIA-Melitopol” media once again exposed the occupiers’ criminal “acting minister of youth policy of the Zaporizhzhya region”, Yegor Logunov, who has predictably been performing his propaganda role since January.
Journalists wrote about Logunov that “before going on tour to occupied Melitopol, he held the position of general director of the company “Russtroy” in Simferopol” and participated in the movement of goods and cargo across the occupied territories.
It remains to add that the illegal “Russtroy”, where Logunov was actually listed as the “general director”, was “registered” in 2016 in Yalta, from where for many years he was actively “mastering funds” for all sorts of projects, including the long-term construction of the “Olympic training center for water sports” in Simferopol.
However, in “Russtroy” what is much more interesting is not the size of the stolen “budget” hundreds of millions, but the identity of the beneficiary of this structure, “exposed” since 2023, Iosif Kazandzhyan, described by us in the 2021 investigation.
At that time we wrote about the ethnic mafia group of Anatoly Mirzoyan, Vagharshak Melkonyan and Sergey Sargsyan, Kremlin-controlled and well-known in Crimea since the late 90s, which had seized the most “prestigious” areas in the criminal world on the southern coast of the peninsula – illegal international money transfers, cashing out criminal proceeds, trading administrative resources, gambling, land and cash transactions, drugs and prostitution, including child prostitution.
It was with the support of Vagharshak Melkonyan and with the consent of the Kremlin that the “Moscow businessman” Iosif Kazandzhyan appeared in Livadia, which was facilitated by the influential functionary of the Russian special services with the legend of “Yalta businessman and politician” Sergey Karnaukh.
The construction of the “Korona” club house in Livadia arose from this “alliance”, which was carried out by Iosif Kazandzhyan together with the formal owner Igor Denga, who had been working for many years with the bandits close to Sergei Aksyonov.
It should be noted that in the “Korona” project, within the framework of the denomination of Igor Denga from Alushta, a tragicomic “international” of clans occurred, when the described Armenian ethnic criminal group entered into an “alliance” with the Ossetian ethnic criminal group of the “faithful client” of the central apparatus of the FSB Alan Dzhangobegov.
And if through the office of “Vana” the described syndicate controlled a significant part of the Yalta public catering, then through the firm “DZhiM” they financially supported, on the instructions of the Russian special services, fake “national cultural autonomies” and their “talking heads” for “people’s diplomacy”, Ivan Shonus, Yuri Gempel and Ivan Abazher, including the corresponding “political tourism” to Crimea, where, with the aim of complete compromise, “dear guests” were offered “special services” of Crimean children.
It is noteworthy that Kazandzhyan himself prefers “decaying” Monaco to “Crimean vacation”, where he often got into the frame of “Russian celebrities” and acquired Inessa Akopyan as his wife.
Kazandzhyan is also a beneficiary of many “Crimean firms” “Vulkan”, “Krymnefteprodukt”, developers “NDK-Gornoye”, “NDK-Yalta”, “SZ-Volga”, “Yugspetsstroy”, as well as Moscow “ABV” and so on.
Thus, the current appearance of Kazandzhyan’s puppet, propagandist Yegor Logunov in Melitopol, where the positions of the corresponding ethnic crime existed even before the occupation, cannot promise anything good for the local youth, even if we leave out the entire militaristic sabbath promoted by this mafia offspring of the “Russian world”.