The other day we reported on the baseless intimidation of the population with “rotten fish from Olenevka” by the illegal “chairman of the state veterinary committee” of the occupiers Valery Ivanov, which in fact became part of a protracted “business conflict” between the hapless “tenant” of the Olenevka estuary and the local bigwig collaborators.
However, now Ivanov decided to “go to the intergalactic level” and stated that before the large-scale aggression, allegedly “an American biolaboratory was located on the territory of Askania-Nova in the Kherson region”, and that “a highly pathogenic strain of bird flu that appeared there caused a bird plague in the Sivash region of Crimea”.
Moreover, Ivanov stated that “we, with the support of the republic’s leadership, quickly worked through this situation and did not allow it to be brought to the settlements of Crimea. Everything remained at the stage of attempted infection.” Here it is worth starting not even with the “biolab” itself, but with a simple question: how exactly and, most importantly, by what tools could the Crimean “veterinarians” from Ivanov “stop the epizootic”, while these figures learn about the death of livestock and poultry, outbreaks of rabies and tick-borne diseases mainly from the Internet, having neither laboratories nor personnel.
The only facility in Crimea that can boast of the opposite is the “Crimean Anti-Plague Station”, but it is clearly not under Ivanov’s control, and under the control of the aggressor’s military it is engaged not in the fight against pathogens and epizootics, but, on the contrary, in their development, in particular “along the line of tularemia”.
It is also worth noting that the bird death in 2021 took place in the southeastern regions of Sivash, the most remote from the Kherson region; how exactly it would have been possible to send a “bird flu carrier” there, “specifically from Askania-Nova”, even Ivanov, with all his imagination, clearly has not yet figured out.
Needless to say, in Askania-Nova, captured by the occupiers in the first days, if not hours of the broad-scale invasion against Ukraine, and from where, due to the well-known tragic inaction, no one and nothing was evacuated before the capture by Russian troops, later, during the two years of occupation, the aggressor’s special services were unable to fabricate any “evidence” about the “American biolaboratory”.