The other day, tragicomic “explanations” for “tenants” of the real estate that Crimean collaborators have criminally “nationalized” since 2022 as “property of hostile foreigners” were published in the occupiers-controlled “media”. The fact is that the “tenants” began to declare that they were “afraid of responsibility for financial support of enemies”, and knowing the “creative” approaches of the Crimean “authorities”, this was not particularly surprising.
That is why in July the occupiers published the aforementioned “explanations” from the criminal “minister of property and land resources” Larisa Kulinich, in which they indicated that now tenants must pay to the fictitious “management directorate of property of the republic of Crimea”. At the same time, the amounts were “modestly” kept silent, but it was indicated that 30% of them would go to the aforementioned “directorate”. In this regard, it is worth noting that the public “debriefing on the lease” itself began after the “tenants of the premises” of the Yalta “Bristol” Hotel allegedly received “another payment order” to Vladimir Gerasimchuk’s account opened in one of the Russian banks after the “nationalization”; allegedly, Gerasimchuk is represented by a certain Tatyana Kushnir.
Earlier, a number of sources reported that the “Bristol’ Hotel was indeed taken away from Vladimir Gerasimchuk in 2024, a Ukrainian scientist who, among other things, taught at the Yalta Crimean State Humanitarian Institute twenty years ago. However, in the Ukrainian registers, Gerasimchuk is listed as a co-owner of the “Bristol”, along with a certain Kyiv resident Svetlana Kirichek and the “Yalta businessman” Vyacheslav Kurashin. But what is noteworthy here is not even this, but the presence in the ownership or management of the same Gerasimchuk of many different companies with interests in the real estate sector in various regions of Ukraine, ranging from the association of residents of the “Vershina” house in Ternopil, to the Odessa company “Ukrmezhbud”, which built a number of buildings on Pishonovska and Nishinskogo streets.
The fact that Gerasimchuk is more of a “wedding general” in these companies is at least extremely likely, especially judging by the criminal cases related, if we are to believe the press, to the activities of “Ukrmezhbud” and to relatives of the Ukrainian politician Oleksiy Goncharenko, such as Mykola Derevyanko.
The press writes that Nationan Anti_Corruption Bureau of Ukraine conducted an investigation into Derevyanko and Gerasimchuk for thefts with “the performance of work on the arrangement of street lighting bypassing tender procedures”, while, according to the investigation, Derevyanko is the real beneficiary in “Ukrmezhbud”. At the same time, the press wrote that Derevyanko’s wife Lesya is employed by that same “Ukrmezhbud”, and that the structure earns mainly from multi-million tenders for the repair of buildings in the Odessa region.
Derevyanko is far from the last person in Ukrainian politics and previously he was on “short terms” with the curators of the “Party of Regions”, and with Serhiy Tigipko and Petro Poroshenko, but he was especially close to the former people’s deputy Oleksandr Presman, once the “master of tenders” and the “night king of the Razdolnensky district”
And therefore, the question remains – from whom did the Crimean collaborators actually take the Yalta “Bristol”, and on which of the Ukrainian politicians did the aggressor’s special services “wind up additional dirt” on this matter.

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