On June 19, at first glance, quite “passing” news flashed on social networks about the “appointment” of the fake “head of the department of housing and communal services” in Yalta of Russian Alexander Karnaukhov from Belgorod, for which the previous “chief” Mikhail Avrunin was hastily “dismissed”, allegedly “for personal reasons”.
Introducing the next guest performer in the rather interesting format “Sashenka, tell us about yourself,” Yalta “mayor” Yanina Pavlenko said that a “strong business executive” supposedly must “solve the issue of water supply and sewerage in all districts” and would be “in touch with residents as much as possible,” for which purpose they immediately promised to “promote” Karnaukhov in the media on “weekly broadcasts”.
The aggressor’s propaganda states that Karnaukhov in Belgorod “headed district No. 17” and was a “finalist of the fifth competition “Leaders of Russia””, but at the same time “Crimean media” do not report “for some reason” about a number of “achievements” of this person, noted on the “communal line” except for PR on “trips to garages” of Belgorod residents, and who actually worked in “district No. 17” about five years ago.
And we are not talking here about the occasional work as a director in the Belgorod companies “Network King” and “Snablimit” of a certain Roman Kotlyarov.
Let’s start with the fact that three years ago, the “strong businessman” Karnaukhov was building a completely scientific career at the Belgorod State Technical University named after Shukhov, where in 2022 the “successful utility worker” defended his dissertation on … the use of titanium hydride for radiation protection in nuclear energy, with a clear “sight” for “work for export”.
After this, Kotlyarov “surfaced” to the position of deputy director of the Belgorod company “Center for Modern Technologies”, whose nominees are stated to be certain Dmitry Botvinovsky and Mikhail Selivanov.
This rather inconspicuous office, which occasionally “popped up” against the backdrop of “social projects of the Belgorod governor”, was a supplier in the Belgorod region in 130 government contracts worth more than 611.5 million rubles, and they “laundered” budget funds through the “Center”, although sometimes in small things, but practically all the structures of the region.
However, in the “Center”, which was obviously affiliated with the authorities of the aggressor at a high level, Kotlyarov was engaged not only and not so much in construction, since in 2023 he was responsible for the large-scale assistance of the “Center” in holding … the Russia-Africa forum.
There, the current “strong business executive” was actively “placed under delegations” of various African dictatorships, from Algeria to Gambia, in order to “establish commercial cooperation,” and it is obvious that this was clearly not happening for the commercial interests of the Belgorod governor from the “Center.”
Therefore, it is obvious that Kotlyarov is another career employee of the Russian special services “for external use”, working under the guise of a “successful official and manager.”
If the aggressor decided to use Karnaukhov based in Crimea, then he will not stay in his current “intermediate” position for long, and in the fall his handlers may appoint him to a more “important and honorable post” of the occupied peninsula, who will then have to hastily “resign”, the question is quite rhetorical.