On July 15-17, at the Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (MAO) in Kyiv Holosyivo, celebrations were held to mark the 80th anniversary of the founding of this scientific institution. Celebrating the anniversary, the astronomical community these days gathered for an international scientific conference, during which they recalled various aspects of the formation of the MAO, the stages of its interaction with foreign partners, and listened to specialized reports and messages.
The forum was led by the permanent scientific leader and director of the Observatory, Yaroslav Yatskiv, who noted the Crimean theme in his welcoming speech. Let us recall that in 2014, during illegal attempted annexation the Crimea, the MAO lost one of its units located in Yalta Katsiveli, the “Crimean Laser Observatory” department, equipped with the Katsiveli laser ranging station.
The “Crimean Laser Observatory” was transferred to the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in 2000. It is still included in the list of MAO facilities in the Academy’s administration. The conference organizers paid special attention to foreign guests and their reports. Congratulating those gathered on the anniversary, each of them expressed solidarity with Ukraine in opposing Russian aggression.
The Forum delegates from among the experts of our Association established a fruitful dialogue on the issues of the “Crimean case” with representatives of Italian astronomical circles. An agreement was reached on the exchange of views and materials on recorded facts of Russian attempts to use captured astrophysical objects in Crimea as dual-use objects.
Among the speakers and guests of the conference, in addition to numerous foreign guests of the online event, there were veterans and employees of the MAO, Kharkiv, Lviv, Mykolaiv observatories, leading scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, astronomers, astrophysicists, and young scientific personnel.
The Ukrainian Ambassador to Great Britain Viktor Zaluzhny congratulated the GAO on its anniversary, handing over to Yaroslav Yatskov the Ukrainian flag signed by the ex-Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. At the end of the forum, the prepared surprise was a success – playing and singing on a unique Ukrainian instrument – folk bandura.
press attaché of ARC
Ruslan Deremedved

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