On May, 19 upon organisers’ special invitation, ARC’s expert professor Borys Babin took part in open online lecture “World Trade, Development and Sustainability”, held by Professor Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who has been serving as the Director-General of the World Trade Organization since March 2021.
Such annual lecture was organised by University of Cambridge in its Lecture Series on Globalisation, Sustainability and the Power of Ideas.
Its aim is to bring together international students, researchers and the wider community to consider emerging international policy, law and scientific trends and innovative solutions related to sustainability and globalisation, and to debate how such ideas emerge, are shared, and can change the world.
During the online discussion, initiated by extremely interesting presentation of Dr. Okonjo-Iweala, Borys Babin initiated the exchange of opinions regarding issue of perspectives for adopting global or regional legal binding international agreements on right to development, in conditions of Russian aggression against Ukraine, including the occupation of Crimea and Russian neocolonisation processes against countries of so-called “Global South”.
Director-General of the World Trade Organization agreed that above-described challenges create problems for relevant treaty enforcement on the right to development.