On June 17, “independent blogger” Alexander Gorny, who is controlled by the aggressor’s special services, roams between Feodosia and Moscow and calls himself Kremlin dictator’s “Crimean Mediadog”, began advertising a recording of a conversation posted on YouTube, allegedly between “assistant to the head of Crimea Sergei Aksyonov” Andrei Porvalov and “deputy of the Feodosia town council” Vladimir Titarenko.
These “revelations” were posted on the channel of someone Lev Kalmykov”, most likely the virtual person with a dozen subscribers, and therefore it was Gorny who was assigned the role of the main “insider” of this stuffing by his curators from the aggressor’s special services.
As it flows from the recording, Porvalov threatens and “sends greetings” for Titarenko from Aksyonov, demanding from the “deputy” a number of “concessions” and “obedience” through a network of corruption schemes.
Moreover, at least in December last year, Porvalov actually appeared in occupied Feodosia, “checking in” at a “staff meeting of the town administration,” calling himself Aksyonov’s “assistant,” with “extensive experience in the state security service,” sent “to the Feodosia region for assistance in resolving various issues and for direct communication with the head of the republic.”
Porvalov does have an “extensive experience”, since before the occupation he worked for a long time in the Feodosia Town Department of the Security Service of Ukraine, which he headed in 2010. In 2014, this special service officer changed his oath, at first he was listed as a “deputy” to the “chief of the town FSB” and in 2016 he was already seen as a “seconded FSB officer” at the “More” shipbuilding plant in the same Feodosia.
Then they already wrote about Porvalov’s “broad business”, including hotels and restaurants, other “accumulated” Feodosia real estate and about his “strong friendship” with the local “oil mafia”.
It is interesting that the formal “initiator” of the current “storm in a teacup,” Gorny, yesterday promised a lot, some “voluntary resignations” and “arrests in batches,” but a day later he decided to simply “please” with the fact that supposedly “the gears are turning.”
In fact, this “scandal of the century” concerned exclusively a “slight warning” from competitors to Porvalov himself, who probably “crossed the fence” of his “pasture,” while Gorny habitually and inspiredly played his standard role of the corresponding “disposable product, used reusably.”

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