On June 1, the aggressor-controlled “Crimean media” reported that the former people’s deputy of Ukraine and the former “head of the Crimean branch” of the aggressor’s party “Patriots of Russia” “probably were cheated out of 5 milio on behalf of the chairman of the Crimean State Council.”
It was stated that “Lyutikova was first called by the fake speaker Konstantinov and said that FSB officers would contact her,” that her “money was under threat of theft, only a secure account would save it,” and then the scheme followed the “well-established scenario.”
It is stated that “they processed Valentina for 24 hours. She transferred her 5 million through a bank terminal,” but then “the woman realized that the money had actually been stolen,” and “now they are looking for the false Konstantinov and the company.”
It is noteworthy that the criminal Konstantinov himself stated on May 30 that “online scammers are using another method of deception, sending fake voice messages in instant messengers and social networks on behalf of officials of the republic with a request to collect funds and transfer them to a specified location or send them to a specified account”, stating that “this is a terrorist information war that is being waged against the Crimeans.”
Here we note that collaborator Lyutikova, who was mired in land fraud both before and after 2014, and during the first months of the occupation tried to sit on two chairs, not only obviously has “an unnecessary five million,” but also had every reason to “believe Konstantinov.”
The husband of the current “victim of swindlers”, Vladimir Lyutikov, before the occupation, was “attached” by his wife as a deputy to the Supreme Council of the AR of Crimea, as well as to the post of … deputy chairman of the Ukrainian Society of the Blind, and then he took a direct part in facilitating the beginning of the seizure of the peninsula precisely together with swindler from “Consol” Konstantinov.
However, in addition to the scams with the “branch” of the “Patriots of Russia” liquidated in 2022, Lyutikov never became an “official” or “deputy” with the occupiers, having received from them only “retention of the position of director” of the Kerch educational and production enterprise of the Ukrainian society of the blind “Crimea-PAK”, seized by the aggressor and now declared as “South-Inter-Pak”; in 2022, Konstantinov himself “deigned to look” at this facility.
The daughter of this “holy family”, Polina Lyutikova, before the occupation was the head of the registration service of the Kerch city department of justice; for the invaders she was for some time the “head of the Kerch city department of the state committee for registration”, but in 2015 she was removed from such a “grain” position and now she is operating in his own “company” “Medical Center “Aqua Med Marine”, selling fake “medical certificates” to Kerch seafarers.
We previously wrote about a similar “Konstantinov call” scheme with Konstantinov’s criminal accomplice Efim Fiks, who “sacrificed 54 million” and apparently this is not the last episode.
For example, on May 31, the criminal “deputy minister of fuel and energy” of the invaders, Vladimir Voronkin, also stated that allegedly “scammers created a fake account on Telegram on my behalf,” who was “outwitted” in this case is still unknown.

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