As we wrote earlier, from April 8, the Russian occupiers began to actively exploit the theme of the 80th anniversary of “Stalin’s third blow” as a format for “explaining” the massive scale of the current losses of Crimean cannon fodder, drawing analogies with “every centimeter drenched in blood.”
However, what is worth special mention here is not the fake “interviews of relatives” of those killed in the “we can repeat it” style, and not the Nazi surroundings of this Sabbath, but its “hymn,” allegedly “written by Archpriest Igor Pigarev.”
Without appreciating the “artistic power” of this “imperishable” with the words “birch trees cry with sap, spring gives it to you”, let us mention that the mentioned priest is declared by the aggressor’s propaganda as “deputy chairman of the Synodal Department of the Belarusian Orthodox Church for interaction with the Cossacks” and as a former “Afghan campain veteran”.
Pigarev was already a criminal instrument of the occupiers’ Crimean provocations a year ago, when, together with the old Kyiv puppet of the Russian special services, Bishop Gideon (Yuriy Kharon), he was sent to the criminal “speaker” Vladimir Konstantinov as extras for stories about the alleged “destruction of canonical Orthodoxy” in Ukraine, which we previously wrote about.
At the same time, in Belarus, Pigarev is almost not “exposed”, since in his “Cossack role” he “for some reason” speaks publicly exclusively in Moscow, and he was transferred to his “Minsk office” from the “pilgrimage center of the Ryazan diocese” in February 2014, two weeks before the start of the occupation of Crimea.
Thus, we can expect new provocations from this puppet of the Russian special services and lover of “weeping birches,” both in the Crimean and Minsk directions.