The occupiers’ propaganda discusses the “personnel rotation” carried out by the Kremlin, in which the criminal “prosecutor of Sevastopol” Maxim Zhuk is “transferred” to the prosecutor of the Tver region, and Andrei Shevtsov is sent to the occupied city to fill the “vacancy”, who since 2022 has been successfully ” “healed” in the areas of fishing, timber rafting and gold mining in Russia’s five Far Eastern regions.

For Zhuk, his current “promotion” and at the same time the evacuation have become a “carrot” for demonstrating the “fight against extremism” and the ability to “not show off”. At the same time, at the end of 2022, the “prosecutor” himself admitted that the crime rate in the city “has increased significantly,” and the so-called “crime detection rate,” even according to the invaders’ “statistics” , “has decreased,” and then the situation also “did not get any better”.

Therefore, when discussing the “merits” of the Zhuk, the occupiers were left to talk about the “liquidation of illegal landfills” and supposedly “improving the situation with providing orphans with housing, and large families with land.” At the same time, these “land-apartment-garbage” supposedly “successes of the city prosecutor”, in addition to their “non-core” nature, have clear signs of a fake, and taking into account the overgrown landfills, and scams with land for “large families”, which we also previously wrote about.

The occupiers’ propaganda is trying to link Andrei Shevtsov’s “coming from the Amur waves” with the “new general plan” and “coastal ecology,” which is quite far from reality. The Shevtsovs clan comes from Samara, where the father of the current “prince of caviar and gold nuggets”, Yuri Shevtsov, was once a deputy regional prosecutor, then he went to work for the “Novatek” group, and from it he was “delegated to politics,” first as a deputy, then as a vice-speaker of the Samara regional duma, naturally, from “United Russia”. Evil tongues called Shevtsov-daddy as the “left hand” of Novatek’s beneficiary, Putin’s oligarch Leonid Mikhelson; however, Yuri’s wife and Andrei Shevtsov’s mother, Lyudmila, is indeed the president of the “Victoria” charitable foundation, the founder of which is Mikhelson.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Shevtsov Jr. has been promoted in the prosecutor’s office since 1997, first in the Bezenchuksky district of the Samara region, rising to the rank of prosecutor of Samara city in 2011, and in 2017 as deputy prosecutor of the Samara region. However, as evil tongues say, all the efforts of Shevtsov-daddy, including the “direct approach” to Yuri Chaika to appoint his son as regional prosecutor, did not yield results, since according to Moscow tradition, “only Varangians became the heads of the regional prosecutor’s office”.

Also, Shevtsov Jr. managed to “dip” into the “political business” of PR specialist Denis Podsevatkin, from the clan of the former Samara governor Nikolai Merkushkin, which made his home career “turbulent.” Therefore, for “further growth” Andrei Shevtsov was sent to the “big circle”, first as a deputy prosecutor in the Amur Region, and only then as the “chief along the river”. The current criminal “assignment” to Sevastopol is explained mainly by the Shevtsovs’ desire to “get a regional prosecutor,” and the occupied city is seen as “the last step to the pedestal”. Accordingly, Shevtsov is clearly planning to “transfer” back to Russia ahead of schedule, although, of course, his experience of mutually beneficial work with the fishing mafia for his current “position” will acquire “unique opportunities”.

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