According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, on December 19, the UN General Assembly supported the next annual resolution “Situation of human rights in the temporarily occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine”. The document was adopted on the report of the third committee of the General Assembly A/78/471/Add.3. Among other things, the resolution emphasizes that the occupation continues to affect the enjoyment of social, cultural and economic rights by residents, including children, women, elderly people with disabilities and other people in vulnerable situations.

The resolution condemns the incitement of hatred towards Ukraine and Ukrainians, as well as the spread of disinformation “justifying” the Russian aggressive war against Ukraine, including its dissemination through the education system. The document condemns attacks on Ukrainian civilian port infrastructure, navigation facilities and grain terminals and the deliberate blockade of Ukrainian ports, as well as threats to use force against civilian and commercial ships in the Black Sea traveling to and from Ukrainian ports, which undermine vital global food supply routes to particularly supplies to the most vulnerable regions.

The resolution demands that the aggressor cease the forced transfer and deportation of Ukrainian children and other civilians and take all necessary steps for their safe return and reunification with their families, in accordance with the principle of the best interests of the child and international law. Let us recall that throughout 2023, our Association sent more than thirty documents to UN bodies on human rights violations in the occupied Crimea.

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