As follows from the “publications” of Crimean collaborators, the so-called “head of the interregional department of the federal agency for nationalities affairs” of the aggressor, Sergei Razzhivin, arrived on the occupied peninsula with a criminal “inspection” on November 14. This structure, criminally “operating” in Crimea and Sevastopol, was created by the aggressor with headquarters in Kislovodsk in the fall of 2023, and the aggressor’s “agency for nationalities affairs” itself has been noted since 2015, including on issues of “national minorities and indigenous peoples” as well as on “interaction with Cossack societies.”

Razzhivin’s biography is quite non-public, but in the registers of the aggressor he “appeared” as an allegedly “successful entrepreneur” in a wide variety of fields. This is the “Integral” company from Ivanovo in the construction line, now rewritten to a certain Victoria Strelets, as well as the Ivanovo companies “Integra” and “BT” in the “fuel wholesale trade” and the “AKR” company from the same city, specializing in logging. However, Razzhivin’s carefully hidden “secret of success” can be understood from his accomplices in the company “Laguna-Lux” from Vyshny Volochok, which operated the “park-hotel” “Laguna” located there, on the banks of the Tsna River.

The co-founder of this company was Rustam Najafov, who repeatedly participated in local elections there from the LDPR, and therefore “exposed” his formal place of work, namely “military unit 83466”. This aggressor’s army structure is located on the Moscow Rublevskoe Highway, and its main task is to provide transport to the General Staff of the Russian Federation and, as a “related function”, to “train drivers.”

Thus, when choosing from among the spectrum of aggressor’s special services, from which the “successful entrepreneur” Razzhivin clearly intends to act criminally on the “national issue” in the occupied Crimea, it is most likely worth “giving preference” to the Russian military intelligence; naturally, this figure clearly does not intend to forget about his “personal pocket” in the “sphere of fuel supply”.

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