The aggressor’s propaganda continues to exploit the so-called “import substitution”, introducing criminal “Crimean narratives” into it. The other day, “Crimean media” simultaneously reported that in a certain “southwestern region of Crimea” allegedly similar to the “seed-growing province of Emilio-Romagna in central Italy”, the Moscow “selection station named after N.N. Timofeev started growing cucumber seeds.

Associate professor of the Department of botany, breeding and seed production of garden plants of the Moscow agricultural academy Alexander Ushanov was announced as the “main performer” of such illegal activities.

At the same time, the “media” states that the “specialists” of the criminal “Crimean branch” of the “Rosselkhoztsentr” “examined the site” and that last year it “already carried out a trial cultivation of cucumber hybrid seeds”, the results of which are “modestly” hushed up.

Indeed, a significant part of the seeds of hybrids of cabbage, cucumber, and varieties of radish, leek has been grown for the aggressor for twenty years in Italy, and the Kremlin is now reaping the fruits of the collapse of its own seed production, which is aggravated in the occupied territories by the ban on the use of Ukrainian varieties.

However, in the current “cucumber plot” from the aggressor’s “creative propaganda”, it is not the subject and the “scale” of the event are tragicomic, but the fact that, cucumbers of elite varieties have never been grown in the Crimea, due to the specifics of climate and soil.

The total ignorance of the region, about which the propagandists in uniform who are assigned to launder “federal funds” are trying to compose stories and even create “media”, will play cruel jokes with the aggressor’s servants more than once.

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