In August, the aggressor posted in open access “a single textbook on the general and history of Russia for 10th and 11th grades” created “under the tutelage” of the Kremlin functionary, plagiarist and pseudo-historian Vladimir Medinsky in which “the section devoted to 1970- m, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, as well as a section on the present day”, with a special focus on Russian aggression against Ukraine.

This event is noteworthy in that the criminal “textbook”, according to which the aggressor will begin to forcibly “teach” in the occupied Crimea, not only reflects the aggressor’s distorted “vision” of the past and present within the framework of the “Russian world” concept, but also reflects the level of propaganda of aggression and hate speech previously characteristic for “Russian television”.

In this situation, even the regular information service of the aggressor from the “Sevastopol edition” of “ForPost” directly states that the “textbook” has become a symbol of full-scale propaganda in the school, replacing the actual “learning process”.

They “explain” that “it was not only the feeling of an emergency that the Russian authorities have that prompted the writing of it, but also the fact that it is losing young people” because allegedly “people who were brought up according to Soviet textbooks went to military registration and enlistment offices, and those who younger, fled abroad. Thus, the aggressor does not hide the role of the “school” in the system of providing Russian aggression with yet another “cannon fodder”.

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