On August 2, the propaganda of the aggressor’s punishers announced the “detention of a resident of Sevastopol” Natalya Volvenkova for dancing on the embankment near a lamppost, which she used instead of a pylon. At the same time, the video of her dance published on social networks can hardly be called “violating” anything in principle.

At the same time, the initiator of the persecution of Volvenkova is the notorious collaborator from Feodosia Alexander Talipov, and after mass sarcasm on this issue on social networks, the aggressor’s propaganda called Volvenkova allegedly an “accomplice” and “sympathizer with the Armed Forces of Ukraine”.

In this context, we must recall that there are quite a lot of young Crimean women among the “revealed” persons by Talipov.

And in this criminal “witch hunt” of a traitor the oath, it should be reminded of the scandal raised a couple of years ago regarding Talipov himself by a rival group of collaborators, which they are now carefully trying to “forget”.

Then Talipov’s intimate correspondence with a disabled woman suffering from dwarfism was made public, in which the current “fighter against the enemies of the Russian world” proposed to carry out such actions that it is absolutely impossible for us to describe publicly and which, to put it mildly, testify to his deep and irreversible deviations from the behavioral norm.

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