On August 2, an interesting “version of events” was announced in the aggressor-controlled “Crimean media”, according to which the occupiers’ punishers are “investigating the fact of fraud” against the administrators of one of the occupiers’ propaganda telegram channels.

It is declared that the channel, posing as “insiders” from the aggressor’s military, is allegedly run by Anastasia Zhukova, the fake “editor-in-chief of the information portal” of the occupiers “Crimea 24” and the Vladimir Romanov allegedly “unemployed resident of Sevastopol”.

Now the Russian occupiers say that allegedly “presenting themselves as employees of law enforcement agencies, they extorted funds from the population” and “including correspondence on behalf of the counterintelligence of the federal security service”, moreover, allegedly “posting information about the alleged needs” of the occupying army, “Romanov spends the funds received to myself”.

In addition, the aggressor’s propaganda claims that allegedly “the third admin covering the illegal scheme of Romanov’s earnings” was a certain “Crimean border guard”, which allegedly “explains the unhindered passage to the front and the places of deployment of troops” of the aggressor.

It should be noted that experts previously predicted both the “crackdown” by the aggressor regarding the so-called “information field” of the occupiers in the Crimea and the squabbling of criminal “volunteers”, controlled by the Russian special services, for “a place under the sun”.

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