As it has been repeatedly reported earlier, in search of new “sources of income” the aggressor seeks to “circle” the population in various areas, which naturally includes the sale of alcohol; in 2023, it was even reported about the aggressor’s plans to introduce a “state monopoly” in this area, however, not yet implemented.

Instead, the Russian state duma has so far decided to return to the “legalization of hellhole pubs”, that is, “objects for the sale of alcohol in residential buildings”, formally banned by the aggressor in 2020, and previously limited at night in 2017.

Naturally, in the occupied Crimea, these “prohibitions” were never particularly “executed”, but at the same time, “hellhole pubs” either worked “in the dark” or under the guise of “pharmacies” and brought income exclusively to the “roof” of collaborators and aggressor’s punishers.

Now, formally, “legalization” for “replenishing the treasury” is proposed to be “given to the discretion of the regions” and the criminal “administration” of Sevastopol has already hastily declared that they are against “bans”, since “this can hit business”, “which already going through tough times.”

Let us recall that since November last year, the Russian occupiers began to declare the so-called “dry law” in the parts of the Kherson and Zaporizhzhya regions, captured by the aggressor.

After that, the occupied peninsula became a key “transshipment point” for transfer of alcoholic drinks to pointed mainland territory of Ukraine by aggressors’ special services and the military according to “black schemes”.

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