On June 7, an “exchange of courtesies” took place between the Crimean collaborator, the beneficiary of the “Taigan” park, Oleg Zubkov, and the aggressor’s Sevastopol propagandists regarding the death of animals at the “Fairy Oak Forest” (“Kazkova Dibrova”) Zoo in Nova Kakhovka.

“We did not were in Nova Kakhovka, in this zoo, although we knew about its existence… it was not possible to prevent the tragedy, and hundreds of animals in this zoo died,” Zubkov said, refuting obvious fakes from the criminal “head of administration” of Nova Kakhovka, Vladimir Leontiev, that supposedly “all animals are safe and they were taken to Taigan” .

On this occasion, Zubkov began to say that he was allegedly “misunderstood” and that in his previous “December” videos, where he spoke about the alleged “evacuation” of “animals from Nova Kakhovka”, they allegedly meant not this city, but neighboring Kakhovka town. We wrote about this collaborators’scam in December, and then Zubkov mostly really talked about Kakhovka.

However, in response, in vain trying to cover up Leontiev’s lies, the aggressor’s Sevastopol propagandists from “ForPost” posted Zubkov’s previous audio recording, where he talks about the removal from Nova Kakhovka.

There is the only reasonable conclusion from this collaborators’ squabble,– they both lied about the “evacuation” of animals from Nova Kakhovka to the Crimea, and Zubkov in the spring, with the aim of self-PR and “creating” “good news” for the aggressor, and Leontiev now. However, this fake “evacuation” clearly was not the saddest consequence of the aggressor’s criminal undermining of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station.

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