For the past three days, most of the occupied Crimean peninsula has been in the bad weather zone, constant rains have flooded a significant number of settlements in Bakhchisarai, Belogorsk, Simferopol and other districts, it has reached the point that in the rather arid Krasnogvardeiskr, after the rain, the square opposite the “village administration” was flooded.

At the same time, the criminal “head of Crimea” Sergei Aksyonov said on May 30 that “despite the ongoing rains”, allegedly “there are no massive floods” in the Crimea. At the same time, denying the reality in such a seemingly “relatively harmless” issue, Aksyonov did not fail to “boast” that supposedly “the work on clearing the riverbeds and other flood control measures helped to avoid flooding on the territory of the republic”.

It is noteworthy that just in the zone of current flooding, collaborators have not written off funds in recent years for such convenient “budget expenditure items”.

However, Aksyonov was refuted by his own “subordinate”, the criminal “head of administration” of the Simferopol district, Denis Kratyuk, who stated that in the area, both upstream of the reservoir and downstream of Simferopol, the Salgir River is expected to overflow regarding the situation, with which the collaborators are still trying to “understand how to respond to it”.

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