According to a number of media outlets with reference to the “Crimean Solidarity”, on the night of May 19, in the Kirovsky district of Crimea, 29-year-old Crimean Tatar Mambet Asan-Usta was kidnapped by Russian occupiers.

“There was a white Vesta near the road, completely tinted. This car started after him, then it overtook him in the direction of Kirovsky, after Zhuravky began to slow down, it slowly drove in front of his car”, as Mambet’s relative said, indicating that further illegal “traffic police officers” stopped the car and took the Crimean Tatar from it.

After midnight, Mambet Asan-Usta contacted his family and said that all this time he had been in an unknown building in Simferopol – he was taken there with a bag on his head, forced to sign a “confession” and “interrogated about the explosion of the railway track near the village of Chistenke, Simferopol District of Crimea”.

Mambet Asan-Usta told “Crimean Solidarity” in detail about the circumstances of his abduction. According to him, he was taken to the illegal “Kirov police department”, where “a protocol was drawn up” and then ha was “released”, but in fact they handed over the aggressor to the punishers. “People in masks attacked me, there were approximately six people. They tied me up, closed my eyes, closed my mouth so that I would not scream, they began to wring me and put me in the car. They also got into the car. There were all sorts of threats”.

The kidnapped Crimean Tatar was taken to the occupied Simferopol and brought into the building stating “phrases … with threats, saying that you are dragging him, drive him faster, kill him and so on”.

As the abductee stated, “after that they took off my mask, the handcuffs were still in my hands. In front of me sat two men without masks. One stood, the second sat at the table and in front of him were papers for writing. The third of them was a man in a mask, wearing gloves, and all sorts of threats were heard from him that he would allegedly untie my tongue if I kept silent about something … If you evade, you will no longer see your family”. Then the punishers took the kidnapped to a gas station near Simferopol and left him there, after which he managed to contact his relatives.

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