Recently, the aggressor’s propaganda announced the alleged “successes” of the “Turbocom” plant in the Russia-occupied Melitopol.

Before the occupation, this enterprise, with the owners Igor Lyuty, Vitaly Plakun and Vladimir Ovcharenko, produced turbines for trucks, as well as agricultural equipment, and now it is obviously operated in the criminal needs of servicing the occupiers’ military equipment.

The mentioned owners of “Turbokom” became collaborators, including Ovcharenko, before the large-scale invasion of the elected deputy mayor of Melitopol, but then not allowed by the aggressor to “administrative heights”.

And if Plakun was noted in the activities of the criminal militarization of Melitopol youth by the occupiers, where he “distributed prizes”, encouraging cooperation with the occupiers, then Ovcharenko was involved in a series of scams with medicines.

Earlier it was reported that at the beginning of the occupation, the former director of the communal pharmacies of Melitopol, Natalia Doloman, stole more than a million hryvnias from the National Health Service of Ukraine on the accounts of the purchase of medicines for the free treatment of Melitopol residents, transferring them to the accounts of the aforementioned “Turbokom”.

At the same time, in the future, Doloman, together with the criminal “mayor” Galina Danilchenko, began to sell Russian medicines of dubious quality imported from the occupied Crimea through captured communal pharmacies, and the extortion was also “laundered” through structures controlled by Ovcharenko.

With the arrival in the occupied Melitopol of the “Sevastopol team” of the accomplices of the criminal Mikhail Razvozhaev, about which we have repeatedly written, the collaborators from “Turbocom” began at the end of November 2022 the processes of registering a clone of “Turbocom”, the “Turbocom-Invest” structure in Chuvash Cheboksary. It is obvious that in this way the enterprise is being prepared for transfer to Russian and most likely through the occupied Crimea.

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