In January 2022, the Russian invaders’ punishers committed a number of new provocations against the chairman of the Sudak Regional Mejlis of Crimean Tatars, Ilver Ametov. At the same time, allegedly “anonymous calls” became the “grounds” for two nightly visits and actual “searches”.
For the first time, the occupiers’ criminal “police” stated that they allegedly “got a call with information that someone had taken hostages in Ametov’s house, demanding half a million rubles and drugs”. The next time, the Russian occupiers from the “police” and “FSB” arrived with two fire engines.
Let us recall that earlier, until 2022, the invaders criminally persecuted Ametov for a long time on a fabricated “case” about allegedly “illegal possession of weapons”, which meant historical artifacts from the home collection of the head of the Regional Mejlis.