Earlier, we repeatedly wrote about the criminal “adventures” of the Krasnoyarsk PR manager Sergei Tolmachov in the Russia-occupied Melitopol and Simferopol.
This person, well known, among other things, for “search for inspiration” among narcotic substances for his next “PR move”, gave criminally a “topical interview”, promoted by the aggressor’s propaganda of the in the occupied territories.
Such Tolmachov’s “stream of consciousness” included “exposing” the US authorities as a “world hegemon” and talking about “hundreds of millions of people”. However, the audience “appreciated” not the content, but the format of this “stand-up”, since the criminal “deputy governor” was completely obvious to the viewer in an “alternative state of consciousness” during the recording of this “interview”.
As noted on this occasion, even the aggressor-controlled resources, it is “categorically bad” for criminal “officials” to “let person on the air under drugs”, and “under prohibited substances”.
Residents of the occupied Sevastopol did not choose comments at all on this occasion in social networks, of which the softest for Tolmachov was “baked one”.