Earlier, our Association reported that in November 2022, the aggressor-controlled fake “Sevastopol shipbuilding college” of the illegal “Sevastopol state university” allegedly launched the production of “potbelly stoves” for aggressor’s criminal soldiers.

Then it was noted that, in fact, the Russian invaders forced several stoves of the most primitive design to be made at the enterprises of the city, and they could not even enter their “small-scale production”, and the “students” in this process played the role of extras for the “media news”.

Now the aggressor’s propaganda is claiming that “the release of potbelly stoves” will allegedly be in Russia-occupied Yalta, while their “production”, as by the criminal “mayor” of the city Yanina Pavlenko indicated, will be carried out by the illegal “association “Pereprava” (“Crossing”).

This structure was previously “created” by occupiers-controlled “social activists”, allegedly for “treatment of people with drug and alcohol addiction”, but in fact – for laundering “grants” and exploiting “free labor”, as well as for fraud with real estate of “clients”.

However, as Pavlenko herself admits, now there are no more than seven “persons of a difficult fate” in “occupational therapy” in the illegal “Pereprava”, without the necessary qualifications, and therefore how many and what kind of “stoves” they will produce is a rhetorical question.

But as even some aggressor-controlled “bloggers” admit, a certain “mass production” of potbelly stoves both in Russia, and in the territories occupied by it, is entirely centralized; for example, according to “instructions from above”, these “products” are now being made at the enterprises of “Gazprom” and “Roskosmos”, moreover, “under weekly reporting” to Moscow.

Such “bloggers” themselves admit that this mass “riveting of potbelly stoves under a media report” clearly shows signs of a large-scale Kremlin’s financial and at the same time propaganda scam, since this “product” is allegedly produced “voluntarily and free of charge”, but on what conditions and where in fact it goes – no one knows.

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