In November 2022, the fake “Crimean officials” once again admitted their incompetence and helplessness in the processing of garbage produced on the occupied peninsula.
Even according to the “statistics” of the fake “government” for 2021, 971 thousand tons of new “municipal solid waste”, that is, household garbage, appeared on the peninsula. At the same time, waste is transported to the “garbage mountains” of eight Crimean waste landfills: in Yevpatoria, Dzhankoy, Armyansk, Razdolne, Krasnoperekopsk, Chernomorske, in Turgenevo village etc.
At the same time, the waste is not divided into fractions by the occupiers-controlled “communal services”, and the so-called “wet” fraction, which gives up to 70% of garbage, including food waste, not only emits greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, but also contributes to a fire in landfills after ignition of the emitted methane.
For example, the test site near the occupied Yevpatoria demonstrates such “eruptions”, with a suffocating smoky cloud visible for tens of kilometers, several times a year. Also, the entire steppe part of the peninsula is now covered with plastic waste blown from these landfills.
However, the Russian invaders recognize this problem not for the sake of objectivity, but purely in their own selfish interests. Thus, the vice-premier of the aggressor Victoria Abramchenko, against the backdrop of collaborators’ confessions of impotence in the face of the “garbage wind”, promised to “create the necessary capacities in Crimea” in the form of “three waste processing complexes”, on which the occupiers plan to “master” 8 billion rubles, of which more than 4 billion in 2022.
However, at the same time, it is obvious that no one will build any “waste processing complexes” under the sanctions. Moreover, in 2020, the Russian invaders managed to launch a “long-term construction project” for some time, namely a waste processing plant near occupied Simferopol, the commissioning and launch of which was suspended in 2014.
However, that facility, with a capacity of 150 thousand tons of waste per year, did not work for long – both due to the struggle between groups of collaborators for the “garbage business”, and due to equipment that failed.