The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a Press-release № 217 on September 19, 2020, relatedto the conviction in Russia (Rostov-on-Don) the group of Ukrainian citizens, Crimean Tatars, de-factofor their religious views and for not recognizing by them the attempt to annex Crimea by Russia.
Turkey described in this Press-release the sentencing of seven Crimean Tatars on September 16 as theexample of tightening the intimidation policy against the Crimean Tatars by Russian authorities. TheTurkish Foreign Ministry has expressed its regret over the oppression by such methods the CrimeanTatar community, as the key component of Crimea.
The Press-release emphasizes the non-recognition by the Republic of Turkey the illegal annexation ofCrimea and emphasizes the further protection of the Crimean Tatars` rights by peaceful anddemocratic actions to make their voice to be heard.

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