Some days ago, the Kremlin dictator decided to “talk about Crimean tourism,” pathetically promising “new projects” on the occupied peninsula.
In the current “maximum recreational” conditions of the front-line region, this fantasy could be attributed to the next “Putin’s Pechenegs,” but this new rhetoric of the Kremlin allows, among other things, to understand some of the reasons for the Kremlin’s “removal of disgrace” from the Crimean Gauleiter Sergei Aksyonov and to model the next scams of the occupiers , both “on the ground” and in propaganda.
Professor Borys Babin and Associate Professor Eduard Pleshko researched that situation.
The aggressor’s propaganda has concretized Putin’s next “crystal castles” in the format of the “Golden Sands of Russia” project, within the framework of which they allegedly “plan to develop an embankment more than 20 kilometers long” between Yevpatoria and Saki in West of the Crimea.
Western Crimea is extremely painful for the aggressor’s propaganda, not only due to its vulnerability to all sorts of wartime interesting events and incidents, but also due to the obvious collapse of the previous project, namely the “Putin legionnaires”, when the plots for “veterans” of Russian aggression were personally promised by the Kremlin dictator, distributed in inconvenient areas far from water and infrastructure from Saki to Chernomorske, clearly turned out to be a “suitcase without a handle” for both “veterans” and “administrations”.
And now in neighboring occupied Sevastopol they are discussing “replacing the land plot with payments”, because otherwise, especially after the attempt to distribute the lands of mass graves of World War II to “veterans,” this whole story began to acquire a certain “special flavor” for the Kremlin.
Naturally, no one offered any plots of land to the “veterans” on the “golden sands”, and Crimean collaborators traditionally “woo” them, in the form of “commercially attractive” villas and shares in apartment complexes, to carefully selected Kremlin celestials as part of their feudal rent.
We have written many times about the scam with the resort lands of Yevpatoria as part of the demolition of the Moinaki park and the health resort under the guise of a “federal rehabilitation center” combined with “elite housing”, a share in which was received by the speaker of the aggressor Senate Valentina Matvienko, aka “Valka-glass”.
Now that same Aksyonov suddenly “violently exposes” the mess and litter of that very Yevpatoria, where, as it “suddenly turned out,” there are neither green spaces nor loyal puppets in the “administration”.
The whole March tragicomedy with the hasty “dismissal” of the local “mayor for an hour” Elena Demidova, who previously ended up in the corresponding chair almost by accident and became the main “useful idiot” in the described “Moinaki scam”, has a simple explanation.
The PR project of “golden sands” promised by Aksyonov in the Kremlin, or rather “golden rain” into the corresponding pockets of the chosen ones and on the heads of the rest, required him to make violent movements around Yevpatoria, where, according to the corresponding scenario, criminal Kremlin delegations of “remarkable people” will soon clearly begin to travel auditors.”
Yes, and more banal things must be resolved – if the aggressor decides to densely build up the sea embankment from Yevpatoria to Saki, then due to energy and water shortages, mainly due to the deterioration of the systems, “Bolivar will not demolish two” and it is necessary to “set priorities.”
In addition, the occupiers declare that “the embankment will be connected with Simferopolska Street, the Tereshkova Embankment, the Frunze Embankment and further with the Lazurnaya [Azure] Embankment along the shore of the Yevpatoria Bay,” which means that the beneficiaries of the “golden sands” want to gain control and are already quite a developed “resort space” from which many local businessmen will “ask to leave”.
However, more important is the actual circle of people responsible for putting this scam into practice, and here the occupiers have already “exposed” the “group of companies” “Monolith”, registered as a Crimean Tatar collaborator, as the main criminal executor, “key investor and developer of the project” Yakub Asanov, as well as such “self-explanatory Crimean companies” – “Business Accent”, “Kiparis”, “Tekhmetall”, “Yugkurortstroy”, “Atlant”, “Tavriya”, “Tekhzakazchik-M” , “KP Vermont” and so on.
However, mankurt Asanov is just an extremely convenient “talking head” for “Monolith,” which took root on the peninsula long before 2014. The primary beneficiary of “Monolith” in the distant 90s was Vitaly Kirichenko, a KGB general who participated in the storming of the Amin Palace in Afghanistan and then served in the KGB special forces “Vympel”.
This special service officer had his eye on the peninsula for a simple reason – his father, Nikolai Kirichenko, was the son of the first secretary of the Crimean regional committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine in 1967-1977, and among other things, he “raised” Nikolai Bagrov, the first leader of Crimea after the declaration of independence of Ukraine.
It was the special service officer Vitaly Kirichenko who was appointed in 1994 by Leonid Kuchma as the chief police officer of Crimea, and it was under him that not only the provocations of the aggressor in the style of the “Russian World” intensified, but also a complete fusion of the police and organized crime, including the “Salem” [“Seylem”] group, took place, to which Sergei Aksyonov also belonged.
Further, during the “cleansing” of the peninsula, Kirichenko was sent as far as possible from the Crimea, “as an adviser to the embassy in South Africa,” where he immediately surfaced as a participant in the networks of the international fishing mafia, connected with the then Sevastopol enterprises, as well as with Russian banks and the Russian maritime shipping register.
However, even from the Cape of Good Hope, Kirichenko “thoughtfully led” the Crimean company “Monolith” that he founded, where Anton Kamalov and the same Yakub Asanov became the “nominal creators and founders”. And, by a “strange coincidence”, Kirichenko’s leading partner in the project then became Igor Lukashev, a militant of the aggressor group “Salem” controlled by the special services.
At that time, “Moscow friends”, or rather Kirichenko’s curators, invested in “Monolith” funds that were quite good by the standards of thirty years ago in the form of a million dollars.
As Crimean investigative journalists further wrote, “with this amount the company acquired practical experience in low-rise construction in Crimea”. Soon this mafia project captured many industries on the peninsula. In Ukrainian registers, Kirichenko’s nominee Yakub Asanov is still mentioned as the owner of companies trading in oil and petroleum products, servicing vehicles, constructing and servicing residential complexes.
It is obvious that Kirichenko was considered by the special services as one of the main players in undermining Ukrainian sovereignty in Crimea, but this “general of diabase quarries” did not live to see the occupation, since he died in 2010. After his death, Aksenov’s influence in “Monolit” increased, and then he received a “specific share” in this business, registered in the name of his mother-in-law, Lyudmila Dobrynya and his “comrade-in-arms” Svetlana Babiy, as well as Aksenov’s accomplice, the notorious Mikhail Sheremet.
Since Lyudmila Dobrynya’s daughter, Evgenia, “headed the committee on property and land relations” under the occupiers, “Monolit” predictably did not have any problems in its vigorous commercial development activities.
And so as not to return to the “fishing” adventures of the late Kirichenko, we note that “by coincidence” a distant relative of Aksyonov’s father-in-law, the husband of the “beneficiary” of “Monolith” Alexander Dobrynya, Andrei Dedyukhin headed the “fishery department” of the criminal “government” under the occupiers.
Another “leader” for “Monolith” was the bandit figure Ruslan Burdeyny, who, even before the occupation, was involved together with Nazim Ilyasov in dozens of corruption schemes related to the plunder of the natural resources of the Crimea.
During the occupation, in addition to the massive predatory construction of high-rise buildings for the Russian colonialists, “Monolith” was noted for the reconstruction of the seized building of the Institute of Mineral Resources in the center of Simferopol for the “investigative committee” of the aggressor, for the allocation of funds from the Moscow Patriarchate for the construction of the Simferopol Church of Catherine, in the expulsion of the Crimean Tatars from the plots for the construction of the huge residential area “Crimean Rose”, in the raider seizure of the Yalta high-rise building on Krivoshty Street, and so on.
Among other things, in the summer of 2014 in Yalta, the commercial director of Monolit, Yuri Mironenko, allegedly died from an electric shock in the “Barfly” nightclub, and he went there, as the mother of the deceased claimed, with a certain “owner” of Monolit, living in France.
At the same time, Mironenko died, allegedly “falling on a certain Chinese lamp,” and his other companion, in addition to the mysterious “French owner,” Artem Novikov, also “was electrocuted while trying to help a friend,” and therefore no one witnessed the details of such “debriefing of production flights” was found, and no one wasn’t even looked for it.
In addition, as investigative journalists wrote, the Aksyonov clan and its other beneficiaries consistently transferred the funds earned in “Monolit” to “decaying” London, but here their contacts are quite seriously hidden.
However, the beneficiaries of “Monolit” are well versed in “Kremlin insiders”: for example, by July 2014, this company commissioned a mobile gas turbine station on the peninsula, which began construction in the first days of the occupation in order to “survive the blackout,” which, we recall, only began in 2015.
The “Golden Sands” scam did not arise out of nowhere among the beneficiaries of “Monolith”, since this structure has already built an ugly residential complex “Golden Sands” [“Zolotye Peski”] on Simferopolska Street in the very same Yevpatoria, overlooking the coast.
As a result of this situation, we can state that it was the “golden shower on the new 24-kilometer embankment” scam that became for Aksyonov the “Yevpatoria golden key” with the “European keychain” that he opened for himself, with the active assistance of the real co-owners of “Monolit”, the Kremlin’s new interest in its own person, who had previously been practically written off as scrap.
Now for the criminal “head of the Crimea” and the beneficiaries and partners of “Monolith” from distant Great Britain and France, the main thing is to maintain the “steam in the whistle” of this PR show that has “hooked” the Kremlin, promising them “billions of investments” at least until the “autumn elections” at which the Kremlin will either reassign Aksyonov or find a replacement for him.
Well, for the longer term, the Crimean collaborators are not planning anything special.