The “ARC” experts learned that in February-March 2020, the local elderly civil activist ViktorCherkasov, who had been fighting the land mafia alone for many years, was killed in Yalta. Cherkasovwas a well-known personality in Big Yalta, because for many years in a row he came every week toreceptions at the occupation “prosecutor’s office” and the “Ministry of Internal Affairs”. For hundredsof applications to the “authorities” Cherkasov was given hundreds of replies about nothing, but theelderly man stubbornly walked through the authorities and told the “officials” in their dead eyes thathis rights had been violated, that he had been beaten and robbed, and demanded that justice berestored.
In early 2020, in the village of Krasnokamenka, Big Yalta, they began to say that Cherkasov wanted torewrite his remaining land to his daughter living in the mainland of Ukraine. We were also told that atthe beginning of 2020 a miracle happened and the local so-called “court” made a kind of interimdecision in the interests of Viktor Cherkasov. Soon after that, the corpse of a pensioner was found inKrasnokamenka in his simple garden, but the news about it appered just now. Modern rumors spreadthroughout the village that the pensioner had been poisoned with an unknown substance, some kindof budget analogue of the “novice”. This version is supported by the fact that the death of Cherkasov,a well-known truth-seeker in Yalta, was carefully hushed up.

Local media and the occupation authorities are trying to forget that in August 2017 Cherkasov gave along interview to the “Primechaniya” website, where he told exactly which areas in Krasnokamenkawere illegally seized by the “heroes of the Crimean Spring” – the “Head of Crimea” Sergey Aksenov,“Deputy Prime Minister, State Duma Deputy” Mikhail Sheremet, “prosecutor” Natalya Poklonskaya, oneof the leaders of the criminal group “Seylem” Oleg Borodkin, curator of the “self-defense of Crimea”Igor Burmistrov [1]. The pensioner, desperate to achieve justice, then repeatedly talked about theconstruction of cottages by the “heroes of the Crimean spring” and in other interviews, which couldhave caused the command of the invaders to eliminate him.

Recall that “Villas in Krasnokamenka” is the scandalous story known in Crimea, which began with thefact that the former mayor of Gurzuf, Andrei Sandul, under the conditions of the beginning of theoccupation, with the help of the Ukrainian seal of the Gurzuf City Council “retroactively” cut severalhectares of expensive land with a view of the Ayu-Dag under the elite settlement “to the savior of theCrimean people” Aksenov and his accomplices [2]. Shortly thereafter, after traveling in the same planewith the Yalta landlord Anatoly Motlokhov, Sandul mysteriously and suddenly died in November 2014[3].
It is known that in 2016-2017, during the struggle of the clans of the Russian special services, the FSBgroup, unfriendly to Aksenov, documented the allocation of land in Krasnokamenka using forgeddocuments and recorded the confessionary testimony of the “chairman of the Yalta City Council”Roman Derkach and “managers” Natalya Isaeva, who were personally involved in forgery ofdocuments. But the Kremlin gave the command not to touch the “new bosses” of the peninsula andthe case was closed, even, as they say, without traditional kickbacks. In impotent rage, the FSBofficers laid out a part of the collected material through their flush cistern of “social activist” AlexanderTalipov. But this did not have any fatal consequences for the persons involved in the scandal. Perhapsit was the fact that the village of Gurzuf is considered the fiefdom of the former Prime Minister ofUkraine Mykola Azarov, who owns the “Sputnik” base and boarding houses there that have “escapednationalization”, which means he patronizes local “officials” looking after the assets.

The deceased Cherkasov, who regularly reminded about the lawlessness of the land in Kranokamenkaand wrote to the “authorities” on a weekly basis, greatly angered the local “elites”, who reached anagreement to “hush up history” with the allocation of land plots to the “new masters of life”.
It is also interesting that the aforementioned Roman Derkach was in conflict with the long-term headof Gurzuf Gamal, with whom Roman began his career in the land commission of the council. But bothGamal and Derkach forgot internal contradictions when meeting with the murdered Cherkasov,because they both hated the elderly truth-lover. The deceased personally told his trusted Yaltaresidents that Roman Derkach once in his hearts threw out: “You will not get your land, because Ihave already sold it”.
Therefore, it is very likely that Derkach and Gamal, as “local bosses”, loyal to the “Head of the Crimea”Aksenov, may be related to the mysterious death of Cherkasov. It should be noted that Cherkasov didnot have a computer, Internet or smartphone. Fraudsters cut off most of his plot from him, leaving acouple of hundred square meters where Cherkasov lived in a hut without water, electricity, heating.Cherkasov was repeatedly beaten, his old Zaporozhets was beaten. But the pensioner did not give upand spent whole days writing by hand to all instances of complaints about the lawlessness. The newsof the death of Viktor Cherkasov, which only became public in October 2020, caused a strong shockamong ordinary Yalta residents.


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