European Commission Will Trace “Beltruboprovodstroy” Partners, Involved in Illegal Activities in Sevastopol

European Commission Will Trace “Beltruboprovodstroy” Partners, Involved in Illegal Activities in Sevastopol

As we previously reported, as part of the investigation the occupiers’ actions in preparation for construction of an illegal gas pipeline along the bottom of the Sevastopol Bay, with the possible participation of the “Beltruboprovodstroy”…

German Concern “Herrenknecht” Promised to Comply with “Crimean” Sanctions

German Concern “Herrenknecht” Promised to Comply with “Crimean” Sanctions

As we already wrote in December 2022, the Russian invaders are criminally planning to “launder” “infrastructure funds” in the occupied Sevastopol, including using the illegal and fake “unitary enterprise” “Sevastopolgaz”. In particular, we are talking…