On October 4, our Association expert Borys Babin took part as a speaker in the side event of the OSCE Warsaw Conference on the Human Dimension, “Rule of Law and Occupied Crimea: Illegal Trials as a Tool of Persecution”, held by the Crimean Tatar Resource Center.
At the event, Emine Suleimanova, Ayshe Kurtamet and Tatyana Lukyanenko, their relatives, shared specific examples of repression and international crimes against political prisoners.
Suleimanova, the sister of political prisoner Marlen Mustafayeva, emphasized that “Russia is the true heir to the Soviet regime, where people were indiscriminately sent to the GULAG or other punitive measures were taken if you went against the authoritarian regime.”
In his report, Borys Babin emphasized the importance of assistance from Ukraine’s partners in developing realistic documents regarding the reintegration of de-occupied Crimea, and highlighted the aggressor’s provocations in the International Court of Justice in cases of racial discrimination and the financing of terrorism.
Babin also emphasized the importance of developing effective mechanisms for compensating victims and their relatives, including civil lawsuits against the aggressor and his representatives.
The expert recalled that in order to effectively claim damages from the aggressor related to violations of collective rights, it is necessary to complete the legalization of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People as a legal entity.

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