In framework of permanent cooperation with UN bodies our Association sent in January the submission to UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights Professor Olivier De Schutter for his thematic report to the UN Human Rights Council “Eradicating poverty in a post-growth context: preparing for the next Development Goals”

That submission, prepared by Professor Borys Babin with Anna Prykhodko and other experts and published at UN web-sources now, reminded to Special Rapporteur that all war crimes, committed by Russian invaders during ongoing hostilities in Ukraine, are connected with absolutely clear Russia’s war targets in maximal destruction the civil infrastructure and natural, social and economic environment, including objects, essential for all Ukrainian ethnic and social groups.

Submission stressed, that corresponding negative impacts of Russian aggression against sustainable development make its reinvigorating extremely hard, include Russia’s destruction all economic activities near frontline, Russia’s looting and other war crimes on occupied territory and Russia’s missile, drones & aviation strikes again Ukraine, also as maritime blockade in Black Sea and ongoing provocations against Ukrainian export in neighboring states of European Union, including the Russian crimes in the occupied Crimea.

More, submission proved that the growth of poverty in Ukraine is not the side effect of Russian aggression against Ukraine, but it is one of its major goals as part of genocide against Ukrainian people. Our Association pointed to the UN Special Rapporteur that the issues, described in submission, were discussed during the side-events on Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Change Conference (COP 27) and Dubai Climate Change Conference (COP 28) held by our expert Dr. Babin, also as at World Law Congress, 2023.

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