As our Association has previously repeatedly reported, on October 28, 2022, in occupied Crimea, under extremely strange circumstances, the “head of the regional unit” of the aggressor’s propaganda resource “Russia Today”, Svetlana Babaeva, was shot dead.
Her death, very timely for competitors from other structures of the aggressor, allegedly occurred “due to an accidental shot at the training ground”, from an allegedly “ricocheted bullet.”
Further, on November 17, 2022, in Crimea they wrote about the disappearance and then the death of sixteen-year-old Natalya Leonova, the daughter of Olga Leonova, the “chief editor” of the same “Russia Today” in occupied Simferopol.
We returned to this situation in April 2024, with the development of this “intraspecific” struggle of the aggressor’s special services in the public sphere. Then the occupiers began to “proceed” in the illegal “Simferopol district court” the alleged “murder by negligence” of Babayeva, allegedly committed by a certain Igor Malev.
We then wrote that this figure “heads” the “Crimean Republican Federation of Aquathlon and Underwater Sports”, and also that until May 2022 he was in Crimea the “director” of the “private security company” “Control System” and even the “leader” of “National Association of Bodyguards-Crimea”.
Thus, we stated in April, Malev has the appropriate skills and is completely under the control of the aggressor’s intelligence services.
Therefore, in April we wrote that “it is obvious that the “court” will assign the most lenient “punishment” to this “careless” liquidator Babayeva. Now it is obvious that our forecast is beginning to come true, since for the masterly “execution” of the propagandist, the “prosecutor’s office” has asked the “court “”punishment” for Malev in the form of “as much as” 21 months of “correctional labor.”
At the same time, the “official version” of Babaeva’s liquidation was that “during training classes in tactical medicine at a military training ground, Igor Malev, being a voluntary instructor, in violation of safety rules, fired from a machine gun into the ground, after which the bullet split into two fragments and ricocheted into Babaeva’s head and neck, resulting in her death.”
Even if we accept this “version”, the witnesses of which the occupiers, except Malev himself, do not publicly name, then the obvious is the disproportionality of the demonstratively “humane” “punishment” for the person who allegedly shot Badaeva, to whose coffin, among other things, not only Sergei Aksyonov sent their hypocritical condolences, but also Dmitry Medvedev, Dmitry Peskov, Sergei Lavrov and “many others”.
At the same time, the occupiers did not state the typical “mitigating circumstances” in the form of Malev’s “front-line career”, due to the lack of a public format for it. However, playing with the characteristic figure for the period of “correctional labor,” it is worth noting that it is not this that “usually destroys,” but something else.
Obviously, after the “sentence” confirming the “pure accident of death” of Babayeva, the Russian special services will no longer have any reason to leave Malev alive, and then, most likely, it will be possible to read his obituary, probably as a “heroic front-line soldier.”

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