The occupiers-controlled “Crimean media” are savoring another “heart-wrenching” provocation by Russian intelligence, in the framework of which a certain “Philippe de Duvan”, also called “Philipp Borisovich”, arrived on the occupied peninsula. It is stated that this subject is the grandson of the “legendary mayor of Yevpatoria Semyon Duvan”, who at one time had the wisdom to leave the peninsula before the establishment of the communist regime.
Why “Philipp Borisovich” prefers to talk about the “Russian world” without returning to Yevpatoria from France is quite clear, and the fact that his “Crimean greeter” last year was the elderly Russian spy Georgy Muradov is also understandable. It is unclear how and for how much the “grandson of the mayor” acquired French nobility, or whether the prefix “de” was added to his conspiratorial pseudonym simply “for solidity”.
The only interesting thing here is the “teamwork” of Russian intelligence, when Alexandra Delannoy, described by us earlier, who became the “talking head” in last year’s provocation with the “gift of a piano from the French Conservatory to the town authorities of Yevpatoria”, was also declared the “assistant” of the current “Philipp Borisovich”.
In this story, the Yevpatoria agents “responsible for France” are disguised as the “public movement “Headquarters of the Architect Heinrich”, as well as local churchmen, including Archpriest Georgy Kunitsyn.
These figures “with the support of like-minded people in France” last year staged a show with the installation on the 65th anniversary of the death of Semyon Duvan, in the southern wall of the St. Elias Church in Yevpatoria of an urn with soil that was actually stolen from his grave in the cemetery of the French city of Beaulieu-sur-Mer, which preceded the first visit to Crimea of ​​the current “de Duvan”.

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