Earlier, we have written many times about the activities of the clan of Mikhail, Yuri and Boris Kovalchuk on the occupied peninsula, to whom many of the peninsula’s resources, as well as a significant part of the region’s “federal financing”, were transferred as a “feeding ground”.
We also wrote about the criminal activities of the “Stroytransgaz” corporation of another Kremlin oligarch, Gennady Timchenko, on the peninsula, who was mastering billions of dollars in illegal construction of the so-called “cultural cluster” in Sevastopol and the “Tavrida” propaganda complex near Sudak.
In addition to traditional corruption pyramids, the Kremlin’s reverent attention to the “financial needs” of the Kovalchuks and Timchenko has a rather specific justification. The fact is that these oligarchs, as it now turns out, promised the Kremlin to “solve the problem of Putin’s aging”.
This scam is rather clumsily disguised as another “national project” announced by Putin himself this year, “New technologies for preserving health”, where, under the guise of “creating new Russian medicines”, they will in fact finance programs “based on biological age”.
This topic received “wide discussion in narrow circles” after the June letter from the aggressor’s Ministry of Health to Russian research institutes, demanding that they urgently provide all developments on cell aging, “prevention and development of cognitive and sensory disorders”, “correction of the immune system” during aging, as well as “bioprinting technologies”.
Since for the overwhelming majority of the aggressor’s population, who simply do not live to see retirement, the medical problems of extreme old age are of little relevance, the Kremlin was unable to collect anything serious from its science, while giving rise to a traditional rebellion on its knees.
“Medical scientists” realized that the money would not be for “applied needs” such as “treating disabled veterans” of aggression, but only for “the immortality of old stumps”.
And it was here that the described oligarchs came “to the aid” of the Kremlin, who had long been exploiting the theme of eternal life, the “Russian genome”, and the like in the Kremlin. The generator of this scientific nonsense was traditionally Mikhail Kovalchuk and his henchman from the Kurchatov Institute Konstantin Skryabin.
These figures offered the top leadership of Russian a “special resource” in the form of the laboratory “3D Bioprinting Solutions”, created in 2013 by the owner of the company “Invitro” Alexander Ostrovsky. This structure showed certain results in printing cells and tissues six years ago, but in 2022 Ostrovsky emigrated from Russia, allegedly selling control over this activity in 2023.
The buyer of “Invitro” was a certain businessman Roman Mironchik, behind whom Mikhail and Yuri Kovalchuk stood. However, having “raided” Ostrovsky, these oligarchs were unable to independently dispose of the “innovative spoils” for a tragicomic reason: even earlier, the Syrian Yusef Khesuani appeared as a managing partner in “3D Bioprinting Solutions”.
Khesuani is not just a “good friend and long-standing business partner of the Ostrovsky family”, but also a classmate of Putin’s daughter Maria Vorontsova at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, who remained on friendly terms with her.
Moreover, since 2020, Yusef Khesuani has become a co-founder of the company “STG Technology”, a subsidiary of the aforementioned “Stroytransgaz” of Gennady Timchenko.
This is far from accidental, since the father of the Syrian “cell printer”, George Hesuani, is a business partner of the Syrian dictator Assad and brought that very “Stroytransgaz” to the Middle East. Also, such terrorist figures, close to Timchenko, as Oleg Putenkov, Konstantin Mirzayants, Alexander Tishkov and Oleg Strazding were noticed around “STG Technology”.
The fact that printing cells and tissues, to put it mildly, is not the “key to immortality” does not bother either the Kovalchuks, or Tishchenko, or their Kremlin friend, to whom they personally presented these developments.
Fear of the inevitable, thus, has not only become a tool for these swindlers to master a couple more hundred billion in the “national project”, but also to demand “new pastures” in occupied Crimea from the Kremlin, which will be noticed to the local collaborators “at the end of the regional elections”.