The last week of June manifested itself in the occupied Crimea with another “exemplary repression” carried out by the criminal “head of Crimea” Sergei Aksyonov, manifested in “reprimands” for the “city heads” of Kerch and Feodosia Svyatoslav Brusakov and Igor Tkachenko and the sudden “dismissal” of the Saki “mayor” Alexander Ovdienko.
According to Brusakov and Tkachenko, the situation was predictable: these next “caliphs for an hour” have been discussed in the context of replacement since the winter, and recently both of them have already received their first “reprimand”.
But Ovdienko was deprived of his chair, with a likely temporary replacement for his “deputy” Yulia Predybaylo, unexpectedly for many.
However, after the start of implementation on the coast from Yevpatoria to Saki of the Kremlin’s next and previously described “Golden sands” scam, it was not difficult to predict “personnel changes” in Saki, after the recent replacement of the “mayor” of Yevpatoria with the dog hunter Yuriev.
Let us recall, that Ovdienko is remembered mainly for his public manifestations of zoological, even comparable to his other “colleagues”, hatred of everything Ukrainian, as well as a number of frankly schizophrenic self-PR plots, including the use of his own daughter.
However, the “dismissed” Ovdienko decided not to change his role, and after his “resignation” he publicly “warned” the residents of Saki against “calls to gather, set up pickets, write down appeals in large groups on the streets and in courtyards and send them to the pages of the country’s leadership, republic, law enforcement and regulatory authorities” in his defense.
Who in Saki actually intended to “publicly defend” Ovdienko, who lives in neighboring Yevpatoria, who did not find a single kind word addressed to him only among the population, but also among the local collaborators, to put it mildly, is unclear.
However, the most hypocritical words of the “downed mayor” that “in any situation you need to remain human” most likely mean that this matter will not end with “resignation”, and Ovdienko has a piquant procedure ahead of “redistribution in favor of friends” of everything that has happened in recent years “acquired by back-breaking labor.”

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