The last week of June began with a new “storm in a teacup,” namely in connection with the alleged “change of faces” of the criminal “senators from Crimea,” launched through a series of “telegram channels” aggressor-controlled.
Let us remind you that these are now Olga Kovitidi and Sergei Tsekov. It is stated that the Kremlin has made a decision to “purge” them from the Senate, since they are “tired of legislative and media spam” of these, to put it mildly, not the most talented talking heads.
The main “intrigue” here is who will come to replace the criminally “sitting senators”; at the same time, such “candidates” of collaborators were named as the criminal “mayor” of Yalta Yanina Pavlenko, the former Minister of Education of the Yanukovych era Dmitry Tabachnik, as well as the Nazi-grandmaster Sergei Karyakin.
At the same time, according to Pavlenko and Tabachnik, “the candidatures were allegedly rejected,” and Karyakin remained “the main Kremlin favorite.”
The hysteria from Tsekov, who complains to everyone about the “worthless post” of the criminal “Crimean vice-speaker”, to which he will be “demoted” in the fall, and from which “there is absolutely no income,” adds a certain tragicomic quality to the situation. However, as we previously wrote in similar cases, Crimean collaborators still need to hold out until the autumn “elections”.

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